
Lowongan Kerja Holcim Indonesia Juni 2013

Lowongan Kerja Holcim Indonesia Juni 2013

Holcim Indonesia is paving the way for Indonesia developers. The country's third-largest cement maker and construction materials manufacturer, Holcim Indonesia has grown into a dominant construction materials supplier since it was founded in 1971. With two cement plants and a grinding facility, it has the capability to produce some 8.5 million tons of cement per year.

Cement Holcim Indonesia's bread and butter, comprising some 90% of total revenues. Through subsidiary Holcim Beton, the company also produces ready-mix concrete and aggregates. The company sells its products from a network of more than 9,000 retail outlets. Global cement giant Holcim controls some 77% of Holcim Indonesia.

Saat ini Holcim Indonesia Guna menunjang pesatnya pertumbuhan perusahaan mengundang tenaga-tenaga muda membuka peluang berkarir dengan membuka lowongan kerja terbaru 2013 dan mencari beberapa karyawan untuk posisi :

Graduate Development Program (GDP)
Graduate Development Program (GDP) is an education program specifically designed to prepare fresh graduates to qualify for permanent hire with Holcim and be our future leaders, through intensive development program. You are not only going to learn our business but also get the real experience implementing technical skills, people skills, harnessing your strength and delivering challenging assignment on daily basis.

Join us if you are fresh graduates (graduate this year or 2012) or not having more than 1 year working experience that possess:

· Good Team Work
· Care & Communicative to Energize People
· Open Mind, Ability to Learn, Innovative to Think the Business & Deliver Results
· Self-Starter & Have Integrity to Act as Role Model

Here are other basic requirements:

· GPA ≥ 3.20
· Active in extracurricular/organization activities

For GDP 2013, we open opportunity in the following functions:

· Manufacturing
· Corporate Technical Service
· Logistics
· Commercial

For Commercial we are looking for students with background Civil Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, and Industrial Engineer. For Manufacturing& Corporate Technical Servicewe are looking for students with background Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mining, Geology, Chemistry Engineering and Civil Engineering. For Logistics & Export we are looking for applicant with background Naval Engineering, and Industrial Engineering. For FICO we are looking for applicant with background Accounting.

You need to indicate your function preferences (1 or 2) in order of priority in the application form.

Drop your Application Form or your CV to Campus Career Center

Or Send your CV to : Atika.rahmawati@holcim.com / Recruitment-idn@holcim.com (Please indicate Graduate Development Program on the subject field of your email)

You can also bring your application, looking closer to our business and meet our leaders at event:


"More than work.More than a job."

UNPAD (Bandung): 16 July 2013
UI (Jakarta): 23 July 2013

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