
Lowongan Kerja PT Frisian Flag Indonesia Juli 2013

Lowongan Kerja PT Frisian Flag Indonesia Juli 2013

PT Frisian Flag Indonesia - Frisian Flag is a leading and rapidly growing multinational dairy company in Indonesia. PT Frisian Flag Indonesia is a part subsidiary of FrieslandCampina, one the global largest dairy company. The Company performing business in milk-based products with its major brands are Frisian Flag Powdered Milk, Yes! Ready to Drink Milk, and Omela Sweetened and Condensed Milk. Frisian Flag has been operating in Indonesia since 1922 and started by with Friesche Vlag, a brand name from the Cooperatve Condensfabriek Friesland. Frisian Flag Indonesia headquartered in Jakarta and supported by 2 production factories in Pasar Rebo and Ciracas, Jakarta. The Company also supported by more than 1,700 dedicated staff in all over Indonesia. In December 2012, the Company received a prestigious award from the Indonesian President as the Green Industry award.

To meet the rapidly business growth, PT Frisian Flag Indonesia now is seeking the candidates who are interested to learn and gaining hands-on experience in dairy industry

Saat ini PT Frisian Flag Indonesia Guna menunjang pesatnya pertumbuhan perusahaan mengundang tenaga-tenaga muda membuka peluang berkarir dengan membuka lowongan kerja terbaru 2013 dan mencari beberapa karyawan untuk posisi :
  1. Corporate Management Trainee
  2. Sales Management Trainee
  • Fresh Graduates from Bachelor Degree, preferably Master Degree for corporate Management Trainee with GPA 2.75 and above
  • Not more than 26 years of age
  • Fluent in English
For further information about this program, please refer official source from Frisian Flag on following link below. For those who are interested and posses the above required qualifications, please send your data within 7 days to Tri.savitri@frieslandcampina.com Leony/caesaria@frieslandcampina.com. Only qualified candidate match with the above mentioned qualifications will be notified for further selection. (Source)

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