
Lowongan Kerja Tiki - JNE Juli 2013

Lowongan Kerja Tiki - JNE 2013

Tiki Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir or JNE Was established in 1990 and initiated its presence through serving the people in the field of customs, especially import over time-sensitive shipment by incorporating “rush handling’ warehouse.

JNE’s Service reliability, which is consistent and accountable for more than two decade has created high credibility as well as trust among the business partners, which keep increasing. Increment of foreign investement in the 90s, domestic economic growth, development of information technology as well as innovative product diversification, has purshed JNE to keep growing and prove its performance in the business environment as well as Indonesian Communities.

In line with the development of business world and changes in the modern community lifestyle, request for time-sensitive shipment handling has been no longer limited to small packages and documents. Rather, it also includes cargo handling, transportation, logistics and distribution. Realizing the said challenges and opportunities, JNE keep on developing its network from big cities down to all remote areas of Indonesia. At present, supported by thousands of trained Human Resources, JNE has successfully established more than 1,500 points or service spread all over the country.

Reinforcement of Human Resources and utilization of technology, information and communication becomes the main factor in developing JNE. X-Ray mechine, GPS, CCTV, On-line system up to satellite Communication Device has been the important supporting device in creating the absolute shipment speed and security. Achievement and commitment of JNE is proven through winning of different kinds of awards as ISO 9001:2008 Certification upon the quality management system

Saat ini Tiki - JNE Guna menunjang pesatnya pertumbuhan perusahaan mengundang tenaga-tenaga muda membuka peluang berkarir dengan membuka lowongan kerja terbaru 2013 dan mencari beberapa karyawan untuk posisi :

Responsibilities :
  • Responsible for all operational company activities
  • Understand and be able to run a disciplined organization based on Standard Operating Procedures
  • Develop sales strategies and coordinate the sales team to achieve sales target
  • Costing, Cash flow Controller (forecast & realization) and Budget control procedures
  • Communicate all appropriate policies that apply to all subordinates
Requirements :
  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree / Post Graduate Degree, any field.
  • Required skill(s): branch management, leadership, logistic control, finance control, Sales Management.
  • Required language(s): English
  • Experience in the expedition or logistic service(s) at least 5 years, especially in the Department of Operational / Sales / Marketing / Operational / Business Development
  • Understand Business Processing Map to run company branch
  • Preferably Manager / Assistant Managers specializing in Operational/ Sales/Marketing/Business Development or equivalent.
  • Full-Time position(s) available
Written application and CV not later than July 25th, 2013 to the mail sent to :

and CC to :

Jayapura, Sorong, Papua

Responsibilities :
  • Managing Operational activities
  • Establishment of tariffs for services provided by operating express and local tariff revisions if necessary with the approval of the director\
  • Managing development related network operations services provided express
  • Maintenance of systems according to standard operational support center
  • Managing and developed under the coordination of human resources
  • Achieving sales targets
  • Implementation reporting of operational business express
Requirements :
  • Education min D3 (All Programs)
  • Able to speak English well (oral & written)
  • Min age 28 years
  • Understand the Operations, Finance and Sales / Sales
  • Understanding the business processes in general Operational Express
  • Having good Leadership skills
  • Able to work under pressure and to achieve specific work
  • Willing to travel / out of town service
  • Willing to be placed in Jayapura,Sorong & surrounding areas
Written application and CV not later than July 12th, 2013 to the mail sent to :

and CC to :

Responsibilities :
  • Berkoordinasi dengan dept/pihak terkait sehubungan dengan data keuangan yang diperlukan dalam proses monitoring :
    • Permintaan data-data keuangan terkait dengan kegiatan audit dan monitoring
    • Memastikan kembali bahwa data-data yang diperlukan sudah valid
    • Mengolah data yang ada sesuai dengan keperluan auditor
  • Melakukan monitoring terhadap arus kas :
    • Melakukan monitoring daily melalui system maupun laporan manual
    • Melakukan monitoring konsistensi terhadap perbaikan audite
  • Memberikan analisa dasar hasil monitoring :
    • Membuat daily report monitoring
    • Membuat laporan berupa analisa hasil monitoring setiap bulannya
  • Berkoordinasi dengan semua team berkenaan dengan hasil monitoring :
    • Menyampaikan hasil monitoring kepada team, untuk dapat dianalisa
Requirements :
  • Perempuan
  • Pendidikan D3, diutamakan S1
  • Usia Max 26 tahun
  • Memiliki Kemampuan komputer dengan baik terutama Ms. Office
  • Memiliki kemauan belajar
Written application and CV not later than July 25th, 2013 to the mail sent to :

and CC to :

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