
Lowongan Kerja Weatherford Juli 2013

Lowongan Kerja Weatherford Juli 2013

Weatherford International Ltd. (NYSE:WFT) is one of the largest global providers of advanced products and services that span the drilling, evaluation, completion, production and intervention cycles of oil and natural gas wells. Weatherford employs approximately 40,000 employees worldwide, operates in more than 100 countries with 800 service bases and 16 technology development and training facilities.

Today’s Weatherford is a result of internal growth and innovation as well as the consolidation of more than 250 strategic acquisitions. From a strategic standpoint, Weatherford has two key objectives--efficiency and productivity. Weatherford strives for efficiency, both in terms of delivering results for its clients as well as leveraging its worldwide infrastructure. The ultimate goal in both cases is to help reduce costs and increase well productivity. As well, Weatherford has created a more streamlined organizational structure to continue a push towards greater individual productivity levels through more intensive recruiting, training and retention.

Saat ini Weatherford Guna menunjang pesatnya pertumbuhan perusahaan mengundang tenaga-tenaga muda membuka peluang berkarir dengan membuka lowongan kerja terbaru 2013 dan mencari beberapa karyawan untuk posisi :


• Bachelor Degree in Geology or Petroleum Engineering from reputable University
• Min. 2 years experience as Data Engineer or 5 years exp as Mud logger (Offshore & Onshore)
• Good communication and technical report writing skills
• Basic petroleum geology
• Excellent computer skills, preferable Unix OS
• Some experience with mechanical equipment would be an advantage but is not mandatory
• Experience in Over-pressured or tectonically complex areas will be an advantage


• Bachelor Degree in Geology (BSc.), Petroleum Geology or Petroleum Engineering from reputable University
• Good communication skills
• Basic petroleum geology
• Excellent computer skills
• Some experience with mechanical equipment would be seen as an advantage
• Have completed at least 28 days offshore experience as either a trainee, working with Senior Loggers or Data Engineers or sample catching on a job with sufficient time to grasp the fundamental aspects of the job. Initial “Stand-alone” work experience will be performed only on jobs with a crew comprising mud loggers arid data engineers.

We offer career growth in an exciting, challenging and rewarding professional environment both in the position advertised and beyond.

Please send your application and CV with Position Code (DE/ML) as your email subject before 31st July 2013 to: Jakarta.Recruitment@ap.weatherford.com

NOTE: Only candidates meet the qualification will shorlisted.Weatherford is an equal opportunity employer.

Untuk mengetahui lebih detail tentang informasi Lowongan Kerja Weatherford 2013, maka anda bisa membuka pada sumber resminya. Terima Kasih atas kunjungannya, Bila anda ingin mengetahui informasi lowongan terbaru silakan klik Lowongan Kerja Terbaru.

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