
Lowongan Kerja GWS Engineering Juni 2013

Lowongan Kerja GWS Engineering Juni 2013

PT GWS Engineering (PT GWS Engineering Consultant) is an Engineering and Survey company in Indonesia, established since 2007 in Bandung, Jawa Barat. PT GWS Engineering has contributed to the development of transport infrastructure in Indonesia.

PT GWS Engineering is engaged in Engineering and Field Investigations as follows: FEED Civil Works (Roads, Bridges, Land Management, Buildings, Airports, Ports); Feasibility Study and Master Plan for the planning and design of the planning area. (Airport, roads, port); FEED Structure Works (Offshore Structures, Tower, Bridge, Jetty); Surveys: Soil Investigation, topography, Geophysics, Traffic, Detail Survey, etc.

PT GWS Engineering is opening vacancies for several engineering disciplines, candidates sill be involved In Engineering end survey work on Oil and Gas fields. The required positions are as follows:
  • Project Manager (1,6,8,9)
  • Site Manager (1,6,8,9)
  • Work Leader (1,6,8,9)
  • HSE Coordinator (1,5,8,9)
  • HSE Staff (1,5,8,9)
  • Field HSE Representative (1,5,8,9)
  • Senior Geotechnical Engineering (2,7,8)
  • Senior Structural Engineering (2,7,8)
  • Geotechnical Engineering (3,5,8)
  • Structural Engineering - familiar with SAP2000/SACS/STAADPRO (2,5,8)
  • Geodetic Engineering (4,5,8)
  • Drafter (1,6,8)
  1. Candidate must be a Bachelors Degree, any field.
  2. Candidate must be a Bachelor’s Degree required from Civil Engineering
  3. Candidate must be a Bachelor’s Degree required from Geology Engineering (understand Soil Boring / sampling works)
  4. Candidate must be a Bachelor’s Degree required from Geodesy / Geodetic Engineering
  5. At least 1 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
  6. At least 2 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
  7. At least 7 year(s)of working experience in the related field is required for this position
  8. Full-Time position(s) available.
  9. Available stay in Field
Please send your Application and CV not later than July 13th, 2013 to: recruit@gws.corp.co.id; Support@gws.corp.co.id

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