Panin Bank was established in
1971 as a merger of three private national banks, subsequently
increasing its capital structure through the acquisition of a further
four private national banks. Bank Panin's business strategy is to
further grow its market shares in the consumer and commercial segments.
Bank Panin has successfully established itself as one of the leading
providers for innovative consumer and SME banking products and services.
It has earned market recognition for its competitive Housing and Car Financing Programs, as well as the multi purpose personal loans.
It has earned market recognition for its competitive Housing and Car Financing Programs, as well as the multi purpose personal loans.
Bank Panin is looking to fill a number of management positions at various levels of seniority across the organization in the following areas :
- Team Leader Mikro (TL)
- Sales Officer Mikro (SO)
- Teller Collection Mikro (TC)
- Pendidikan minimal D3 (1,2,3)
- Diutamakan mempunyai pengalaman dibidang Perbankan/Asuransi/Finance
- Memiliki motivasi kerja, komitmen tinggi, dan berorientasi pada pencapaian target
- Pria/Wanita
- Maksimal 30 tahun
- Berpenampilan menarik, tidak buta warna serta berbadan sehat
kirimkan lamaran anda paling lambat tanggal 25 Mei 2013 ke alamat kami:
Human Resources Departement (up. Andrea)
Jl. Gejayan CT X/10
Yogyakarta 55281
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