
Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Lowongan Kerja Tiki - JNE Mei 2013

Lowongan Kerja Tiki - JNE - PT. Tiki Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir

PT. Tiki Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir or JNE Was established in 1990 and initiated its presence through serving the people in the field of customs, especially import over time-sensitive shipment by incorporating “rush handling’ warehouse.

JNE’s Service reliability, which is consistent and accountable for more than two decade has created high credibility as well as trust among the business partners, which keep increasing. Increment of foreign investement in the 90s, domestic economic growth, development of information technology as well as innovative product diversification, has purshed JNE to keep growing and prove its performance in the business environment as well as Indonesian Communities.

In line with the development of business world and changes in the modern community lifestyle, request for time-sensitive shipment handling has been no longer limited to small packages and documents. Rather, it also includes cargo handling, transportation, logistics and distribution. Realizing the said challenges and opportunities, JNE keep on developing its network from big cities down to all remote areas of Indonesia. At present, supported by thousands of trained Human Resources, JNE has successfully established more than 1,500 points or service spread all over the country.

Reinforcement of Human Resources and utilization of technology, information and communication becomes the main factor in developing JNE. X-Ray mechine, GPS, CCTV, On-line system up to satellite Communication Device has been the important supporting device in creating the absolute shipment speed and security. Achievement and commitment of JNE is proven through winning of different kinds of awards as ISO 9001:2008 Certification upon the quality management system

We are currently looking for candidates who have core competency: Achievement Orientation, Integrated and Customer Service Orientation for this following position :

FASILITATOR ASSESOR - Closing date : 24 Mei 2013
Denpasar - Bali | Pontianak - Kalimantan Barat | Balikpapan - Kalimantan Timur | Banjarmasin - Kalimantan Selatan

Responsibilities :

  • Terlaksananya assesement berbasis kompetensi untuk keperluan promosi, mutasi dan penilaian berkala bagi para karyawan di kantor cabang Denpasar, Pontianak, Balikpapan atau Banjarmasin
  • Memberikan rekomendasi tools dan tahapan assesement berdasarkan kompetensi yang dipersyaratkan di setiap posisi/jabatan
  • Melaksanakan assesement berdasarkan kebutuhan (promosi, mutasi, penilaian berkala) sesuai jadwal yang telah ditentukan baik di kantor cabang Denpasar, Bali atau Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat atau Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur atau Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Selatan
  • Tersedianya ringkasan hasil assesement sebagai input dalam penyusunan program pengembangan kompetensi setiap karyawan
  • Membuat ringkasan hasil assesement untuk setiap assesement yang dilaksanakan
  • Memberikan rekomendasi program pengembangan kompetensi berdasarkan hasil assesement
Requirements :
  • Laki-laki / Perempuan
  • Usia min 30 thn
  • Pendidikan min S1 Psikologi
  • Pengalaman min 1 thn di bidang yang sama
  • Mampu bekerja dibawah tenanan dan pencapaian target kerja tertentu
  • Bersedia untuk ditempatkan sesuai dengan wilayah koordinasinya
Procedure :
Written application and CV to the mail sent to : media.talent@jne.co.id

and CC to : k.akbaria@jne.co.id & indah.perjuangan@jne.co.id (Denpasar), indah.perjuangan@jne.co.id & adm.mediatalent@jne.co.id (Banjarmasin, Pontianak & Balikpapan)

Semoga bermanfaat dan jangan lupa sering ke Situs Informasi Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 

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