
Lowongan Kerja U Finance Indonesia Juni 2013

Lowongan Kerja U Finance Indonesia 

PT U Finance Indonesia is a joint venture financing company that runs business activities of consumer financing and leasing for the purchasing of vehicles, especially cars.

Being established in 1995 under the name of PT Arthacakra Multifinance, the name was changed to be U Finance Auto Credit (henceforth will be called as “U Finance”) when the Company’s majority shareholders was taken over by PT Bank UFJ Indonesia for 80% and the old shareholder, Sojitz Corporation, Japan had 20% on 1st July 2004.

In March 2006, there was a change on Shareholders structure, so then the shareholders composition was changed to become: 65% were owned by The Bank of Tokyo - Mitsubishi UFJ, 20% were owned by Mitsubishi UFJ Nicos Co., Ltd., 10% were owned by PT Bumiputera - BOT Finance, and 5% were owned by PT Asuransi Tokio Marine Indonesia.

Since having the new shareholders in 2004, within six months the Company has had fast improvement especially in the matters of total financing facilities provided to consumers that has increased for 300% and total employee growth up to 100%.

Until end of 2009, U Finance had 9 (nine) branch offices in Indonesia, i.e. Jakarta-Sudirman, Jakarta-Kelapa Gading, Jakarta-Puri Indah, Jakarta-Pondok Indah, Bandung, Surabaya, Semarang, Palembang, and Medan as well as some service points in others areas.

PT. U Finance Indonesia is looking for dynamic, initiative person and able to work under pressure as :

  1. Accounting Supervisor (AS)
  2. Operation Supervisor (OS)
  3. IT DBA Supervisor (IDS)
  4. Collection Supervisor (CS)
  5. IT Infrastructure Staff (IIS)
  6. Field Collector (FC)
 Qualifications :
  • Male/Female, 23 - 35 years old (1,2,3,5)
  • Male, 28-35 years old (4,6)
  • Min. S1 (2,4), majoring in Financial Accounting (1), IT (3,5), D3 from any major (6)
  • Min. 3 years experience in their respective fields in multi-finance company (1-4), min. 1 year (5,6)
  • Have a good understanding of Tax (1)
  • Able to communicate in English (1,2,3,5)
  • Able to operate Microsoft Office and Accounting Software (1), SQL Server and Oracle Database (3), IT Windows Operating System Software Installation LAN & Communication Link Email & Web (5)
  • Hard worker and able to work in a team (1-6)
  • Own motorcycle and SIM C (4,6)
  • Willing to be placed throughout the branch office (2,4)
Please send your application letter, CV, not later than 15 June 2013 (Ms.Office 2003 format), to :

PO BOX 3671 JAKARTA 10036
E-mail : recruitment@ufinance.co.id

Semoga bermanfaat dan jangan lupa sering ke Situs Informasi Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 

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