
Lowongan Kerja Astra Credit Companies Juni 2013

Lowongan Kerja Astra Credit Companies

Astra Credit Companies is composed of five multifinance companies, the largest of which is PT Astra Sedaya Finance, owned by Astra with the remainder owned by PT General Electric Services. Astra Credit Company provides financing for the purchase of new and used vehicles through established relationships with major auto distribution networks throughout Indonesia.

Astra Credit Companies operates 52 branch offices and service outlets in 39 major cities in Indonesia. In addition, its financing products are also available through a variety of partnership arrangements with more than 2,000 automotive dealers all over Indonesia.

Astra Credit Company, is seeking for professional with strong analytical thinking, proactive behavior, fast learning ability, excellent communication & interpersonal skills, high achievement orientation and drive for excellence to fulfill the challenging position as :


Responsibilities :
Preparation in planning the organizational structure both short and long term with details on the need for the quantity and quality of manpower that an element in the organization

Requirements :
1. Bachelor degree (GPA min 2.75) from reputable university
2. Maximum age 27 years old
3. Strong academic background from Statistic
4. Analytical Thinking
5. Found of Data Processing

Please send your CV and resume to :

Semoga bermanfaat dan jangan lupa sering ke Situs Informasi Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 

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