PT Bank Syariah Mandiri operates as a bank, which provides depository and loan services. The bank is based in Jakarta, Indonesia. PT Bank Syariah Mandiri operates as a subsidiary of PT Bank Mandiri.
PT Bank Syariah Mandiri comes as the bank that combines idealism with the business of spiritual values that underlie its operations. Harmony between the ideals of business and spiritual values that is the one of the benefits of PT Bank Syariah Mandiri as an alternative to banking services in Indonesia.
We need a proactive person who loves working with people or support others to succeed. Who proud of the work and the results of their work, and have the integrity, accuracy and self-actualization. Bank Syariah Mandiri invites professionals to fill the position:
Pengawas Kepatuhan
Cilegon (Banten),Ternate (Maluku Utara), Jakarta, Bengkulu, Lampung
- Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree or Master's Degree / Post Graduate Degree in Business Studies/Administration/Management, Economics, Finance/Accountancy/Banking or equivalent.
- At least 2 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
- Preferably Staff (non-management & non-supervisor)s specializing in Banking/Financial Services or equivalent. Job role in Retail Banking/Branch Operation or Internal Audit.
- 1 Full-Time position(s) available.
Jakarta Raya - DKI Jakarta
- Candidate must possess at least a Diploma or Bachelor's Degree in any field.
- Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
- 2 Full-Time position(s) available.
Jakarta Raya
- Pendidikan minimum S1,
- IPK minimum 2.75 (akreditasi A),
- Usia maksimum 35 tahun,
- Berpengalaman di bidang perbankan minimum 2 tahun di level jabatan yang sama,
- atau berpengalaman minimum 4 tahun sebagai staff perbankan di bidang financial & business modelling,
- Meguasai akuntansi perbankan,
- Memahami metode penilaian kinerja,
- Menguasai komputer minimum MS Office (Word, Excel, Power Point & Visio),
- Memiliki kemampuan konsep[tual & analitis yang baik,
- aktif dalam berorganisasi,
- Mampu berbahasa Inggris aktif & pasif.
Jakarta Raya
- Pendidikan minimum S1,
- Diutamakan lulusan Teknik Informatika atau Ilmu Komputer
- IPK minimum 2.75 (akreditasi A),
- Usia maksimum 25 tahun (fresh graduate) atau 27 tahun (sudah berpengalaman),
- Diutamakan yang berpengalaman di bidang operasi perbankan,
- Menguasai komputer minimum MS Office (Word, Excel & Power Point),
- Menguasai teknik - teknik pengolahan data,
- Cermat, tekun, teliti,& memiliki kemampuan analitis yang baik,
- Belum menikah.
Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview
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